Get your pet ready for game day!

When your pets go out of bounds at the snack table, the main event can turn into a trip to the emergency vet.

Thankfully, you can keep your pet safe with a little game day preparation.


Game day safety for pet owners

Don’t drop the ball when it comes to pet safety on game day.

Be the referee when it comes to snacks

Tailgating treats can be irresistible for your pets. Make sure to keep food in sight and out of paw’s reach.

Know the playbook

Prevent accidental pet poisoning before the game starts so you can watch with less worry.

Keep a lid on trash cans and keep your pet out of trouble

• Don’t leave food on low tables where pets can reach

• Keep any snack displays in sight if possible

Walk pets early so they’re less inclined to cause mischief


Stay safe all year round with Ferullo Insurance Agencies LLC (Agency Channel) and Nationwide®

Nationwide offers coverage on game day and every day, plus 24/7 access to vethelpline® for all pet insurance members.

See why most choose Nationwide pet insurance to protect their pets. Click on the link for a free quote! CLICK HERE

Enrollment line for customers: 1-844-397-8939; mention discount Code N14322 for 5% client discount.